MDT package now on ready for Windows 10!

Been a while since I posted, I’ve been busy with Surface, Windows 10, and other Kits. But my chocolatey package just got approved, so I thought I would share.

I’ve been following the progress of PowerShell’s OneGet, and for a while now, and thought it was time to stick my toes in and create a package for public use. MDT seemed like a great start.

As you may already know OneGet is a new feature of PowerShell, included in Windows 10 and available through WMF 5.0 that allows for the installation of packages over the internet. Chocolatey is one of the back-end providers, with a great collection of apps ready for installation.

With the recent release of MDT 2013 Update 2, it seemed like a great opportunity to practice my packaging skills. Eventually I created a PowerShell script to auto generate the chocolatey package (not shown here), it would download the MSI files, and extract out the MSI Product Code and Checksum values. You can see the code generated on the Chocolatey MDT page.

Now to install MDT on Windows 10 (or Windows Server 2016), we can run the commands:

set-executionpolicy RemoteSigned; 
Install-Package -Name MDT -ProviderName Chocolatey `
-ForceBootstrap -Force -Verbose

How it works

First step we need to do on clean machine is to set the execution policy:

set-executionpolicy RemoteSigned

Chocolatey has some PowerShell scripts that run in the background, so we need to allow PowerShell to run these commands with the Set-ExecutionPolicy command. Most Powershell users run this command anyways, so it’s not that uncommon.

Then we install the package using the PowerShell 5.0 “Install-Package” cmdlet built into Windows 10:

Install-Package -Name MDT -ProviderName Chocolatey

We must specify the “-ProviderName Chocolatey” parameter the fist time we call Install-Package so the chocolatey Provider is installed, MDT is only known to Chocolatey at this time.

Install-Package will prompt us to confirm installation of the chocolatey provider, we can skip this with the -ForceBootStrap parameter. Additionally, Install-Package will also ask for confirmation before installing MDT, and we can sip the confirmation with the -Force Paramater.

I like to see what is going on the background, so I add the -verbose parameter, and my screen fills with yellow:


We can see Install-Package downloading MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit2013_x64.msi from the Microsoft web servers.


The Windows 10 ADK package has also been uploaded to Chocolatey, but hasn’t been officially approved yet, so when you try to run the “windows-ADK” package it will install the older Windows 8.1 version. We can force the Windows 10 ADK to install with a version parameter. Additionally, the default version of the “Windows-ADK” package does not install USMT, so to install everything we will need the “windows-adk-all” package (which is a lot of stuff, sorry).

install-package -ProviderName Chocolatey -Name Windows-ADK-All `
-force -Verbose -MinimumVersion 10.1.10586.0

More information:


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